Advice for Parents

An apprenticeship is an alternative to college or sixth form, it gives the opportunity for young people to combine a real job with quality training whilst giving them the access to employment to gain on the job experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Lewtay Training offer intermediate, advanced and higher apprenticeships in a range of industry sectors. Our apprenticeships provide a solid foundation to gain experience and build knowledge in the industry sector.

    Apprenticeships have been designed with direct input from todays employers collectively with the Sector Skills Councils to establish the relevant needs of employers.

  • Lewtay Training has a designated SENCO team that provides Additional Learning Support to assist Apprentices with their studies. They can offer support in many areas including:

    • English and Maths
    • Specific learning difficulties (dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, ADD and ADHD)
    • Additional resources can be provided to include Dragon Software and coloured overlays.

  • At Lewtay Training we support all apprentices to be successful and remain in full-time employment with their employer. Some apprenticeships maybe fixed term contracts, once this term has expired and the apprentice has achieved we have a dedicated recruitment team who offer support in the following:

    •Careers and guidance interviews

    •Job and apprenticeship services (internally and externally advertised vacancies)

    •Work experience and voluntary placement assistance

    •CVs and covering letters guidance

    •Interview tips, techniques and practice

    •Careers workshops